The Ultimate Convenience-Advantages of Pet House Calls

multi-pet households are well served by pet house calls!

The day has come for your annual visit to the veterinary clinic across town for your multi-pet household.  You wake up to two inches of fresh snow on the ground.    Your four year old daughter is in her bedroom complaining of a sore throat.  Your cat is nowhere to be found and your dogs are soaking wet, your spouse having put them outside two hours before.  You dread having to put your cat in his carrier and you have no idea where the carrier even is.  You remember the last time you took Molly, your Golden Retriever to the vet she tore the car leather seat with her long toenails and left hair on the carpet which despite cleaning is still embedded in the fabric one year later.  Frustrated, you take out your smart phone and google Pet House Calls.

Advantages of Pet House Calls Through At Home Pet Doctor

Pet house calls offer several advantages:

  • Convenience-we work around your schedule and come to your home; no more time wasted with travel and waiting in a hospital; time savings for you being in your own home if there are delays in arrival
  • Wide array of services-with a full service mobile clinic we bring a wide array of services traditionally offered through brick & mortar practices, to your doorstep
  • Less stress for your pet-your pet is more comfortable when treated at home; no more getting car sick; arthritic dogs no longer have to jump into your car; fear and anxiety reduced from traveling
  • Less stress for you-no more getting scratched trying to load your cat in a carrier; no more hassle loading up several cats, dogs and kids
  • Environmental & home assessment-we can suggest home alterations to make it easier for your arthritic dogs to get around
  • Pain evaluation-best evaluated in the home environment where your pet is calm. Traveling gets animals revved up masking pain and other important symptoms
  • Easy communication- via cell phone, email and/or texting; calls and emails returned promptly; time is allowed to get all your questions answered; follow up test results via email or phone; second visit not required to discuss follow up care
  • More dignity-in cases of euthanasia there is more privacy and dignity; no need to be in unfamiliar surroundings; allows all family members to be there in comfortable surroundings; compassionate care during this emotional time
  • Focused care-you and your pet have our individual and undivided attention; no distractions with phone calls or other appointments; no interruptions while procedures are being done on your pet
  • Safety-lower risk of exposure to infectious diseases which can linger in a hospital waiting room (especially important for non-vaccinated puppies/kittens & the elderly); no adverse confrontations with other pets in the waiting room
  • Transportation issues-no need to put your Great Dane into your subcompact; no need to load your children and pets into the car for a stressful car ride to the vet; perfect for those without adequate transportation or those whose abilities preclude driving; no need for multiple and time consuming trips to the vet when you own several pets

Pet house calls come in two flavors.  Some practitioners offer basic services such as vaccinations and in-home euthanasia.  At Home Pet Doctor offers these basic services  and more.  We have a  full service mobile veterinary clinic so that we can do many procedures at your home that were previously only available through a brick and mortar practice.  We look forward to serving you and your pets!